
What would you say to a teenager that might be losing feelings for their partner?


Graciela Paulino

“I feel like high school relationships are shallow, and should be treated as such. They lack a lot of depth. If a relationship enters a period of not being fun anymore, then you just need to not do it. Being a teenager is already way too stressful, so why would you add to that by stressing over a relationship that is statistically short term and shallow?”

Jazmyne McCrae

“Know that it’s okay to not feel the same anymore. Because you’re, you’re growing and you’re growing up. And sometimes that means you grow out of love, too. And just cut it off. Because you guys have enough time to be heartbroken and recover from that heartbreak and enjoy what life has for you. There’s no reason to stick to one person at all.”‎‎ ‎


John Moody

“Break up, as simple as that. If you’re enjoying someones company, you don’t feel obligated to be around them, especially so young. There is no obligation. Of course, do it in a better way than just breaking up with them. If you break up with somebody, they’ll treat it as just that.”



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