With the start of the new semester, the SGA is planning several events to end the school year. Last semester, SGA organized community bonding events like Trunk or Treat and HOPE 365.
“It was very unique,” Student Activities Director Regina Cherry said, “the community really came out.”
Along with her SGA students, Cherry plans to increase rapport with the new administrators.
“They came to our last meeting,” Cherry said. SGA will meet once a month with the administration to discuss upcoming events.
In the coming months, SGA will host traditional events like the Black History Month pep rally and new ones like the Mr. and Mrs. RNE Pageant.
At the end of January, the Coming Home ceremony starts. Coming Home is similar to football’s Homecoming. Like Homecoming, Coming Home has a royal court but its focus is on girls and boys basketball. To run for Coming Home queen or king, seniors must have a minimum 2.0 GPA and no major disciplinary infractions.
In February, SGA plans to organize a Valentine’s Day dance, a casual event with music and refreshments.
For Black History Month, SGA will organize the school-wide Black History Month assembly. They plan to invite HBCU colleges and sororities.
“I’m trying to invite the Divine Nine organizations,” Cherry said. “I haven’t had them perform at a pep rally before.”
On Feb. 19 at 6 p.m., SGA will host a Mr. and Mrs. RNE Pageant in the auditorium.
“We haven’t had it in four years,” Cherry said. “The last one was 2021.”
The pageant’s theme is “Purple Reign,” or various fashion styles with accents of purple. Pageant participants from each grade level can win a title, graded by a three-judge panel. Participants can also present a talent to the judges, but seniors must have one. The winning seniors will have the title of Mr. and Mrs. RNE; however, winners from other grades will have a title based on their grade level. Tickets are $5.
For juniors, SGA will facilitate the Class Ring Ceremony on Jan. 29 at 6 pm. Juniors who chose to purchase a class ring will participate.
Because of the new ‘Free to Focus’ policy, SGA is planning new events to entertain phoneless students.
“My main goal is to keep them actively engaged,” Cherry said.
‘Do Not Disturb’ will include fun activities during Monday and Friday lunches to entertain students without phones.
Coloring books, dance battles, and board games are some activities they might have during these lunches.
“We’re going to keep that same energy that we had had in the first semester,” Cherry said.