RNE-TV Live wins national award
Last week, on Nov 1 to Nov 4, seven students and two advisers went to Chicago for the annual National High School Journalism Convention. This convention is a worldwide event where teachers and students in the Journalism field, go and learn more or teach more about their publication. The students had a great time traveling around Chicago seeing the sights and taking classes to broaden their knowledge about their respective publications.
They did not come back to South Carolina empty handed RNE-TV Live won the Broadcast Pacemaker, National Scholastic Press Association’s oldest and most prestigious awards. RNE-TV Live is one of two daily shows to receive the Pacemaker. NSPA named 14 finalists with 7 being named Pacemaker. Mr. Chambers the advisor was very proud of the hard work that those students put into that show.
There were also some individual awards, NSPA received more than 4300 entries for their design of the year and story of the year competitions. For Broadcast News Story of the Year, Kayla Jeffers and Alex Wages placed in fifth. For Broadcast Sports Story of the Year, Alex Wages received an Honorable Mention. For Literary Magazine Cover Design of the Year, Robert Brook and Omina Tukhtasunova got fourth place.
Best of Show is NSPA award of excellence to attendees attending the convention in that category, Psyche, our Literary Magazine received fourth place, RNE-TV Live for Broadcast received sixth place, and the Archive, our yearbook received eighth place.