RNE School Daze Homecoming spirit week spotlights
From October 10th through 14th, student government created fashionable Homecoming spirit days for students and faculty to show their RNE school spirit. Below, the Saber staff has configured a compilation of featured images to show off some stellar fits put together by Richland Northeast. Monday was “Rep your class” day. The courtyard was covered in personally styled jeans with specific class years, along with customized shirts. Tuesday was “Twin Day,” where students were challenged to twin with a close friend or teacher. Wednesday , Thursday and Friday were a power trio of “70s Day,” “80s Day,” and “90s Day.” These days allowed the RNE population to flashback to generations and show off their fashion abilities and school spirit.

Sam Helman is currently a senior at Richland Northeast High School, and is an editor-in-chief of the Saber online publication, cross country runner, member...

Hallie Palmer is a current senior at Richland Northeast High School, where she is apart of the PCA Vocal Program and Convergence Media Program. She acts...

Gurjevan Bansal is a senior attending Richland Northeast High School. She is an Editor in Chief for The Saber, is in PCA Theatre, and Horizon. She is a...