A Look Into JROTC’s Annual Military Inspection

What is AMI?
AMI is our annual military inspection. This is when the Navy appointed area manager comes to inspect our unit.
What is it like preparing for AMI?
Preparing for AMI is a stressful time period. Countless hours of hard work are put in by cadet staff and cadets so everything is meticulously planned and executed with ease.
Why is AMI important?
AMI is important because we get to demonstrate how well the unit operates as a whole.
How has AMI prepared you for the future?
AMI has definitely prepared me to take on challenging tasks in the future. Planning and executing an event like this takes great organization, attention to detail, and communication, and I’m thankful that I get to learn alongside my peers.
If there is one thing that you would like to tell someone who has AMI soon, what would it be?
For anyone with an upcoming AMI, I’d advise not to stress about it. You guys got this! This is the time to let your efforts and hard work speak for itself.
What is the most rewarding part of AMI?
The most rewarding part about AMI is watching the cadets smile and cheer at the end. Seeing their hard work shine is always fulfilling.

Why is AMI important?
AMI to the cadets is just a time for them to show what they have learned throughout the year, you know. And that’s really all we need. Preparations, long, hard hours of repetition, repetition, repetition. Its all we do. Repetition, get it down to the decimal and get it right.
What is the most rewarding part of AMI?
The most rewarding thing of AMI is seeing the look on the cadet’s face- let them be happy, that’s what they should be.

What is it like preparing for AMI?
He [Area 6 Manager] first inspects the platoon, and then we have a, like a ceremony, we give out awards, they do drill, we do our pass and review. Its stressful a little bit, very time consuming, you just keep going.
Why is AMI important?
AMI is important because for one, with the area 6 manager comes out, this is our time to shine, and show all the hard work, and kinda show that we’re a good unit. It’s important because he can see that and they could potentially shut our unit down.
If there is one thing that you would like to tell someone who has AMI soon, what would it be?
Just be prepared, don’t stress over it, you are going to be okay.
What is the most rewarding part of AMI?
The most rewarding part about AMI is when the cadets don’t move at attention and stuff, and the brief, the brief was very rewarding too.