On Dec. 4, Principal Dr. Marlon Thomas held a ‘Lunch and Learn’, inviting students from all aspects of Richland Northeast High School to talk with him and discuss the School Report Card . For the 2023-24 school year, RNE was given a score of 39 out of 100, which was rated Unsatisfactory. After the ‘Lunch and Learn’, Thomas sent out a document asking students to list the root causes of RNE’s low report card and to offer solutions to help improve. Still, many students had varying initial reactions to Principal Thomas’s approach to combat the declining school report card. The Saber compiled a collection of impressions from members of our staff.
*This commentary is part of a series The Saber is covering on the School Report Card.
Staff Impressions
Editor-in-Chief: Caroline Brandes
RNE has not had the best track record when it comes to involving students in school improvement. I can still remember the disastrous town hall meeting we had last year , which anyone with a pair of eyes could see did absolutely nothing. Going into the 'Lunch and Learn,' I had made up my mind to have absolutely zero expectations, good or bad. I left feeling cautiously optimistic. While I was disappointed that the meeting was more of an information session than a discussion, it was a start. Making change anywhere is an uphill battle, but when it comes to RNE, you're also lugging a 200-pound backpack. And you're on fire. So I guess the 'Lunch and Learn' was better than nothing. I think, more than anything, there needs to be follow-through and trust (read: town hall). Participants of the 'Lunch and Learn' were sent a document to fill out afterward, where students could fill out the root causes and possible solutions to the problems at RNE. The only way for real change to be made is for the school to listen to the students. Because we don't want to go to a school ranked "Unsatisfactory." We want change. And more than anything, we don't want to be ignored.
Editor-in-Chief: Gurjevan Bansal
I wonder how this is going to play out. Dr. Thomas invited me and many other students to a Lunch and Learn. I already knew most of the issues on the School Report Card, and I'm glad that he gave me an opportunity to speak and discuss them. As a senior in all three magnet programs, I have a decent idea about the issues at RNE. Although, I must say that I was a little disappointed that we weren't given more time to speak. It felt more like a lecture about the contents of the School Report Card, rather than finding solutions and root causes for why it's so low. Truly, I don't think there is anything that administrative support can do to make our report card skyrocket. I think we will be lucky if we can get it into the 50-60 range.
Assignment Editor: Jayden Gaskins
This was the first session of the Principal Advisory Council, AKA 'Lunch and Learn,' we’ve had, but I’m not sure how to feel about it. Throughout the session, it felt like a mix of him talking at us, and us giving insight into what we’ve noticed around the school. We had some great conversations, but they only occurred towards the end of the meeting. When I left, I felt as though there was more to discuss or more to do. It just left me slightly unsure of things. I wasn't confused, but I just felt things had been left unfinished.
Staff Writer: Lillian Mirosavich
I felt like the 'Lunch and Learn' was productive. Dr. Thomas provided handouts that showed data from the School Report Card, which he explained. I agree with some of the issues discussed and brought up by students, such as a lack of parental communication, lack of academic support, and the importance of introducing different colleges to students and preparing them for applications earlier. I think for the time given - around 25 minutes - the event was well run. Everyone I saw who raised their hand was given time to speak and share their opinion. Because of the time constraint, and to fully collect student opinions, a spreadsheet was sent to students who participated. They could explain what they think the issues are and what the solutions could be. I think holding this event was a step in the right direction. Asking for student feedback and opinion is important, and this event provided an opportunity for any student who wished to to use their voice. This also gives administrators important perspectives, because students who attend school every day are the ones most directly impacted by new rules and procedures.
Staff Writer: Ranya Reed
I think the 'Lunch and Learn' was very productive for the allotted time of about 25 minutes. The conversation we had was very focused on the School Report Card, and Dr. Thomas did a good job of explaining what the actual sections of the report cards meant. He also allowed a lot of time for student questions both during his speech and after he was done. I think that this, compared to the town hall that was hosted last year , was way more effective when it came to student input.
Staff Writer: Ayanna Frederick
Although the meeting went fairly well overall, I found a few things particularly noteworthy. He said, for instance, that the meeting was for student insights, but he spoke most of the time we were there. As he previously stated, this was solely for the School Report Card, but I had hoped we would also discuss additional relevant subjects. Though I wish more kids would have spoken, engaged, and communicated during the meeting, it went well overall.