RNE football players show out in Palmetto I-20 Game

On Saturday, January 12, the Palmetto I-20 classic was held at Camden High School. This game is where Midlands’ best senior football players compete against each other. For many, this was their last high school game. Five Richland Northeast players were able to represent the school. “It was a way to end the year on a good note. They got to play among the best and have some fun,” RNE head football coach Walter Wilson said. “They showed the reason we [RNE football] were successful this year. You were able to see that our kids are good kids, good players.”

In this game, Fleming played defensive end and nose guard, though he played defensive tackle during the season. He has not yet decided where he will be going to college, but plans to major in business or business management. “I played the game to say I played my last game,” Fleming said. “I thought it was cool to be able to represent RNE and hopefully more people from RNE will try to go play in this game.”

Simons played defensive end, his normal position. “I was hoping I could have fun playing one last football game,” Simons said. He is currently looking at majoring in architecture or cyber security at either Clemson, Winthrop, or Coastal Carolina. In this game Simons had a fumble recovery and “his job of taking on a block side played well,” Simons said. “It [different teammates] didn’t affect how I played”

Jones played center in this game and this season. He plans to major in business at a technical college if he does not play football in college. “I was hoping colleges and recruiters would come,” Jones said. “It’s the last game of high school football and just getting the opportunity to play football one more time.” This game meant the players had to adapt to playing with new teammates. “I did feel a little different in this game, because it was a different environment and different players from all around the region. It was an adjustment because we had to prepare in a different way with less time,” Jones said.

In this game, Pearson played outside linebacker. He had back-to-back tackles for loss. “[I was hoping] maybe some scouts were out there looking to offer me improvement,” Pearson said. This game had people from all around the Midlands. “Some [players] already had some compatibility with each other and our bond made us better as a team,” Pearson said. “It [last high school football game] was very fun, but sad, knowing this could be my final high school game did bring a tear to my eye.”