The Benefits of Cosmetology

Most will wait until after high school to get their license in cosmetology, but Richland Northeast High School has offered that same experience for the past 14 years. With Nancy Riley as their instructor, any sophomores, juniors, or seniors have the chance to join the CATE cosmetology program. During the program, students will spend their first year in cosmetology theory where they study the who, what, where, how, and why’s of cosmetology. After the 3 year course, students take a theory exam and a practical exam; they have to pass both to obtain their license in South Carolina cosmetology.

Although the program can require a lot of effort, the benefits are worth it.

“It benefits me because I walk out of high school with a career, like I can go straight to work and make money and put myself through college,” says senior Taj McDonald.

However, senior Erykah Simmons also points out, “You get to leave school with your license, you get to go work, and make your own money right out of high school… it can be your plan A or your plan B.”

While some will wait until after they get their license to start their career, “Most of them can actually work in the field before they get their license issued to them,” Ms. Riley says.

The cosmetology lab is equipped with nail stations, stations for each girl to have a salon chair, mirror, and their equipment, and long tables to practice the hair of figurines. Whether students are looking to have a career in cosmetology or simply want to learn how to take care of hair, skin, and nails, the cosmetology program gives interested students the things they need to succeed.