Cavplex students receive awards during SIPA convention
Cavplex students won 34 awards from the Southern Interscholastic Press Association. At the awards ceremony that concluded the organization’s annual convention, the winners were announced.
In SIPA’s Best Writing Contest, broadcast students placed in all but one category In total they took home 17 awards.
Broadcast received 9 awards in the SIPA’s Best Visual Contest.

The Saber won two first place awards in the online categories, both by Hallie Palmer. Delaney Peck also received a third place award for The Saber. All three of the awards earned by The Saber were in the social media category.
Broadcast students received 4 awards for SIPA’s on-site competitions. The literary magazine, Psyche, received third place for SIPA’s Best of Show.

Hallie Palmer is a current senior at Richland Northeast High School, where she is apart of the PCA Vocal Program and Convergence Media Program. She acts...

Gurjevan Bansal is a senior attending Richland Northeast High School. She is an Editor in Chief for The Saber, is in PCA Theatre, and Horizon. She is a...
Maricellyn "Rissy" McDonald is a senior in Richland Northeast's International Baccalaureate Diploma Program and Convergence Media magnet. She aspires to...