Anti-Semitism: More Than It Seems

The Kiev Porgrom, The Eternal Jew, The Holocaust. Those are just some of many of the major times Jewish people have faced persecution. Dating as far back as the Civil War, American Jews have faced turmoil and hardship simply for existing. For those who are Jewish over seas, the date goes farther.

“Antisemitism has been around forever,” said Claire Levy, senior, “even though there may have been a rise lately it has always been there.” An American born Jew, Claire noted that throughout history, Jews have been the target of isolation through ignorance and prejudice.

With roots as far back as 3rd century B.C, antisemitism has been a problem for millennia for those in the Jewish community. “From a religious point of view, we’re the chosen ones and no one else was chosen. And a lot of the Christians, they believe they should’ve been chosen!” said Miriam Rosin, 11th grader. “But, Christianity appeared thousands of years after Judaism was created, so how can they be the chosen ones if they weren’t a group back then.” Rosin also mentioned she believed that another huge reason antisemitic groups have re-spawned in America was because of the fact of there being a huge amount of personal hatred which formed into a group.

The group she’s referring to is the Alt-Right, a new wave of white supremacists who’re fairly adamant on their position of minorities, particularly those who’re Jewish. They’ve been featured in events such as “Unite the Right” in Charlottesville and on the University of Virginia’s campus, speaking out against what they claim to be “white genocide.”

As humanity continues forward, it’s only natural that cultural diffusion with occur. It’s not uncommon to see those who stand to resist it. And while it is hate speech, it is free speech. “Legally, yes [it does count], morally, no.” said Rosin, “Morally you can have your hatred but it doesn’t mean you have to be open about it and break people down. But, legally, you’re allowed to, because of the first amendment.”